Traveling Stanzas Poster
I designed this poster for the 2014 Traveling Stanzas Poster Workshop, in which we collaborated with the Wick Poetry Center to promote awareness of poetry and graphic design within the Kent community.
I created a collage to illustrate the mood of this poem,“The Soldiers in the Garden,” by Martín Espada. I used acryllic paint and pieces of paper to hand collage it, then did some more work in Photoshop. I designed the poster in various formats including a 28″x11″ bus poster that will be displayed on PARTA buses in our community.

I was able to meet the poet, Martín Espada, who came to Kent State University to speak in the 2014 Symposium on Democracy. He said he really liked my design and felt that it captured the mood of the poem, which was very rewarding to hear!